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Herbal Treatment


What are the benefits of seeing a holistic doctor?

Seeing a holistic doctor offers numerous benefits, including a personalized approach to healthcare that considers the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. Holistic doctors focus on treating the root cause of health issues rather than just managing symptoms, promoting overall well-being and optimal health.

Your health is individual. We understand that no two people will have the same health journey, need the same type of care or fit a generic mold for wellness. A wellness consultation gives us the one-on one time to learn more about each other, what your health concerns and needs are and establishes a baseline for your healing plan!

Holistic Modalities

We use holistic modalities like Muscle Response Testing, Iridology, Acupressure and more to help my clients UNDERSTAND what the body is telling them it needs to regain optimal health. We do not use invasive practices or testing. 

Fitness & nutrition are two very important aspects to wellness. We work with clients on an individual basis to help them establish healthy fitness and nutrition habits, learn what movement styles and nutrition needs works best for them and develop an plan that works BEST for them! 

Whole mind-body approach

In today's world there is so much going on in the realm of health. This can get overwhelming for many, cause concerns and deter some from getting the help they desire. A whole mind-body approach to wellness helps clients understand what is causing dis-ease and how to aid the body in healing itself. We work with the individual and not the "signs" or "symptoms". We educate clients and help them on their healing journey!

What kind of treatments can I expect from a holistic doctor?

Holistic doctors offer a range of treatments that focus on the mind, body, and spirit. These can include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, stress reduction techniques, and lifestyle modifications. The goal is to address the root cause of illness and promote overall well-being.


Terri, IL

"Cassie helped me to understand not only the physical condition of my body, but also the emotional and mental aspects and how that is affecting me. She took great care helping me to understand what I was putting in my body and why it was or was not good for me. Cassie has a fantastic workout plan and supplement store. These have helped me with not only sleep, but gut health as well. I highly recommend her to anyone who is struggling with weight or just want to get healthy."

"Unlock your Holistic potential with a Certified Holistic Naturopath" 

Our experienced practitioners offer a range of services, including RBTI, Iridology, acupressure, and muscle response testing. By collaborating with our experts, you'll embark on a journey to holistic well-being. Experience the benefits of a personalized holistic diet and lifestyle tailored to your unique needs. Achieve your fitness goals with our expert guidance. Explore the path to vibrant health and vitality with Living Holistic Wellness."

Don't Lose another Day

Experience the transformative power of holistic living and pave the way for a healthier, happier you.

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